How YOU Can Support the Arts in Schoharie
Welcome to Schoharie County Arts. The arts are significant in Schoharie, and we recognize all the gifted artists and arts organizations in our county.
Schoharie County’s arts community is vibrant with cultural traditions and innovative engagement. From theater to choral groups to painters to singers to instrumentalists to crafters – Schoharie County has them all. We offer a cohesive organization to develop and strengthen the arts through promoting cultural and arts-related activities.
The board of directors is diverse in backgrounds but with a common goal: to advance artists and arts organizations and support arts education, while contributing to the cultural and economic growth of our county.
We hope you feel as we do that the time is right for the arts in our county. As we move forward, it is our goal to harness the creative forces in our county and make them available to every member of our county community.
We welcome your involvement and support and hope you will join us in supporting the arts in Schoharie County!
If you would like to become a Participating Artist or Performer, please contact us and let us know a bit about you. [email protected]
Welcome to Schoharie County Arts. The arts are significant in Schoharie, and we recognize all the gifted artists and arts organizations in our county.
Schoharie County’s arts community is vibrant with cultural traditions and innovative engagement. From theater to choral groups to painters to singers to instrumentalists to crafters – Schoharie County has them all. We offer a cohesive organization to develop and strengthen the arts through promoting cultural and arts-related activities.
The board of directors is diverse in backgrounds but with a common goal: to advance artists and arts organizations and support arts education, while contributing to the cultural and economic growth of our county.
We hope you feel as we do that the time is right for the arts in our county. As we move forward, it is our goal to harness the creative forces in our county and make them available to every member of our county community.
We welcome your involvement and support and hope you will join us in supporting the arts in Schoharie County!
If you would like to become a Participating Artist or Performer, please contact us and let us know a bit about you. [email protected]